We can help with these and many other questions. We have helped hundreds of other business owners to make a successful start when setting up a new business.
As with all aspects of life there is a much higher chance of success if things are properly planned and prepared in advance. Anything done in a rush or without thought is likely to fail or at best struggle to get out of first gear. It is like setting off on a journey without taking time to plan the route.
It is tempting when starting out in business to save as much money as possible by trying to do everything yourself. It is quite simply a false economy. Those businesses who come to us several months down the road – or even after a whole year has elapsed when they need the first year’s accounts preparing – are invariably the same businesses who face difficulty either financially or organisationally.
Whilst solicitors and banks have an important role to play in helping you to set up a business, it is accountants who have the best all-round knowledge of how to help set up a business.
Contact us today on 01246 276671 and we can talk to you personally about your ideas for your future business.